手工粘贴,手工拷贝,手工排版数据!无美观可言,仅能满足最基本的查询需要。看来以后得下决心学学正则表达式了和ultraedit了。 UP: moving to a higher degree, value or measure We have seen that it is only possible to talk about abstract domains in concrete terms. Furthermore, we categorize these abstract domains by assigning values to many of them, and we (have to) do it spatially, along vertical lines: this is the case e.g. of temperatures, social and professional ranks, attitudes, knowledge, opinions, feelings, possession, accessibility of things, degrees of intensity, etc. We should further remember that in western cultures and perhaps everywhere in the world: what increases or what is good, beautiful, cheerful, big, strong, solid, courageous/positive, is on top of this vertical dimension or up (or high); what decreases or what is bad, ugly, sad, small, weak, fragile, discouraging or negative is at the bottom of this vertical line of evaluation or down (or low); The basic spatial meaning of up can be extended to indicate higher degrees or standards, e.g. a higher (body) temperature, higher prices or quality, a higher level of knowledge, demands, conditions, speed or higher values in general. Metaphorically or figuratively, all these and many others are like "a higher place or location" . In pairs explain the less common words and show why verbs + up are used in the above sentences. Ex. 1 If you have flu, usually your body temperature rises, gets to a higher level, thus it goes up. Furthermore, you often have to lie down, you are laid up (cf. Ex. 2,18) 2 The rent ; money paid monthly by a tenant ; increases regularly, i.e. the landlord puts up the rent, it goes up 3 If you improve your knowledge of English, you brush it up, i.e. you may even reach a higher degree of knowledge In pairs take turns covering up one part of the exetest and coming up with the other. Ex. to improve the quality of your English = ........................; to raise productivity = ......................, etc. Show how the particle up expresses the meaning "moving to a higher degree, value, measure" . Ex. 2 speed up: raise the quantity of goods to be produced; manufacture more goods, faster 4 catch up: reach a higher level of knowledge so as to know as much as the other students In pairs paraphrase less common words and explain why up is used in the above compounds. Ex. 1 an uphill struggle is as difficult as walking, climbing up a steep hill 5 upbringing: to bring up a child is to help it reach a higher social, moral and intellectual standard or level 感觉这东西有些偏门,但是还希望能够对大家有用,能够得到大伙的支持